Teaching Abroad

My experience as a professor at both RISD and Hollins University, along with my life long commitment to writing and illustrating, has led me far and wide around the globe. My most recent experiences are concentrated in China, in the role as Design Master and Special Educational Consultant. I’ve traveled to Beijing, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Nanjing, Shenzhen and Shanghai to present lectures, review portfolios and provide workshops for students interested in attending colleges and universities abroad. My role has continued in the form of tours and workshops at RISD, week long courses as well as an ongoing role of portfolio review and program consultation. I provide insight into ways to enhance the international relationship of the educational companies to schools in the U.S., as well as provide one-on-one communication and guidance to students in China, via Skype and email.